Sage Ubuntu

Areas of Expertise

Partnerships and Capacity Strengthening

Sage Ubuntu recognizes that local organizations often lack the systems, resources and tools necessary to carry out large scale projects. Sage Ubuntu provides capacity building and institutional strengthening to implement high-impact projects.

  • Evaluate current organizational assets and resources with respect for the organization’s strengths, needs and goals.
  • Identify gaps in individual skills or organizational systems. Determine skill deficit, organizational gaps and areas for improvement
  • Support in the design and implementation of interventions using local resources and personnel
  • Continuously follow individual and organizational progress over time, to ensure that new skills, tools and resources are successfully adapted and become standard operating procedures.

Due Diligence on Potential Grantees

We provide the most comprehensive, tailored and in-depth analysis to donors looking to support projects. We are one of the few organizations that visit every project and program before recommending them to a donor.

  • Our key criteria on recommending a program to support include:
  • Impact and response
  • Value for money
  • Sustainability
  • Management
  • Financial transparency
  • Current/Past outcomes
  • Feedback from recipients
  • What other similar organizations are working in the area and what is their impact
  • Local, regional and countrywide social and economic policies
  • Political stability

USAID Rules and Regulations

Training on USG compliance regulations including CFR200 and FAR

Quality Assurance

Sage Ubuntu undertakes third-party monitoring,  feasibility studies, baseline, mid-term and end-line program evaluations.

Proposal DevelopmentĀ 

Sage Ubuntu consultants are experts in technical and cost preparation for international donors and funders such as USG and EU.